Displaying 3211 - 3220 of 8467
Hepburn, A. & Potter, J. (2007). Crying receipts: Time, empathy and institutional practice, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 40, 89-116.
Edwards, D., Hepburn, A. & Potter, J. (2009). Psychology, sociology and interaction: Disciplinary allegiance or analytic quality?, Qualitative Research, 9, 119-128.
Patterson, A. & Potter, J. (2009). Caring: Building a "psychological disposition" in pre-closing sequences in phone calls with a young adult with a learning disability, British Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 447-465.
Potter, J. & Hepburn, A. (2010). Putting aspiration into words: ‘Laugh particles’, managing descriptive trouble and modulating action, Journal of Pragmatics, 42, 1543-1555.
Kim, S., Kientz, J. A., Patel, S. N., & Abowd, G. D. (2008). Are you sleeping?: sharing portrayed sleeping status within a social network. In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work (pp. 619-628). ACM. [Acceptance Rate: 23%]
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Kim, S., & Paulos, E. (2009). inAir: measuring and visualizing indoor air quality. In Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing (pp. 81-84). ACM. [Acceptance Rate: 12.9%]
Kim, S., & Paulos, E. (2009). Listening to air quality. In Proceedings of the First international conference on Expressive Interactions for Sustainability and Empowerment (pp. 9-9). British Computer Society.
Kim, S., Paulos, E., & Gross, M. D. (2010). WearAir: expressive t-shirts for air quality sensing. In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction (pp. 295-296). ACM. [Acceptance Rate: 34%]