Displaying 3261 - 3270 of 8467
Schumann, J. H., Favareau, D., Goodwin, C., Lee, N., Mikesell, L., Tao, H., Veronique, D., & Wray, A. (2006). Language evolution: What evolved? Marges Linguistiques, 11, 167-199.
Holten, C., & Mikesell, L. (2007). Using discourse-based strategies to address the lexicogrammatical development of generation 1.5 writers. CATESOL, 19(1), 35-52.
Mikesell, L. (2007). Differences between generation 1.5 and English-as-a-second-language writers: A corpus-based comparison of the use of past participles in academic essays. CATESOL, 19(1), 7-29. (Winner of the 2007 CATESOL/Michigan University Graduate Student Research Award.)
Mikesell, L. (2009). Conversational practices of a frontotemporal dementia patient and his interlocutors. Research on Language and Social Interaction 42(2), 135-162.
Mikesell, L. (2010). Repetitional responses in frontotemporal dementia discourse: Asserting agency or demonstrating confusion? Discourse Studies, 12(4), 465-500.
Bromley, E., Mikesell, L., Mates, A., Smith, M., & Brekke, J. (2012). A video ethnography approach to assessing the ecological validity of neurocognitive and functional measures in severe mental illness: Results from a feasibility study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38(5), 981-91.
Mikesell, L, & Bromley, E. (2012). Patient-centered/nurse averse? Nurses’ care experiences working in a 21st century hospital. Qualitative Health Research, 22(12), 1659-1671.
Mikesell, L. (2013). Medicinal relationships: Caring conversation. Medical Education, 47, 443-452.
Mikesell, L., Bromley, E., & Khodyakov, D. (2013). Ethical community-engaged research: A literature review. American Journal of Public Health, 103(12), e7-e14.