This course explores whether and how emerging digital technologies - such as social, mobile, wearable media; virtual worlds and games; sensor-laden devices and environments; robotics; drones; implantable chips; artificial intelligence - contribute to disruptive changes in relationships, organizations, societies, and selves. Multiple perspectives on communication, information, and media will be applied in analyzing the extent to which the structure, norms, and dynamics of modern social life have changed and have experienced continuity, and the conditions under which such changes can be considered disruptive. Micro- and macro-level processes and outcomes (interpersonal, cultural, political, global) of emerging digital technologies will be examined.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify and explain concepts, theories, and research findings across multiple disciplines regarding the history, innovation, adoption, use, and impact of digital technologies.
- Employ digital search and selection strategies to identify, retrieve, and evaluate relevant and reputable information sources regarding the opportunities, consequences, and disruptive potential of technological change.
- Analyze the opportunities and consequences of technological change, continuity, and disruption from both micro and macro perspectives.
- Use a variety of digital technologies and social media effectively and authoritatively for communication, conversation, collaboration, and networking.
RU Core Learning Goals met by this course:
Information Technology and Research (ITR) y. Employ current technologies to access information, to conduct research, and to communicate findings.
CCO-2: Analyze the relationship that science and technology have to a contemporary social issue.