This course focuses on the full range of information resources studied and used in applied contexts, placing emphasis on access to information through reference tools and the use of information by learners. Important considerations are an analysis of strategies for searching and evaluating these works and comparisons between printed and electronic media. Emphasis placed on research tools, communication, information services, policy development, and evaluation..
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the development of reference service and the basic concepts.
- Use reference service guidelines and policies as appropriate.
- Articulate and model the critical functions of the reference interaction, the interpersonal dimensions, and questioning strategies.
- Analyze the impact of information technologies on reference services (networking, online sources, and the Internet).
- Discuss criteria to be used in evaluating reference sources and collections.
- Identify selection principles and evaluation tools involved in building a reference collection.
- Identify selection principles involved in providing reference sources for particular users in specific settings.
- Use a simple search strategy in providing reference assistance using a variety of formats (print, electronic, other media).
- Use various reference sources to find answers to reference questions.