Corinne Weinstein is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Her work employs approaches of political economy, textual analysis, and media effects research to investigate representations on television and how they reinforce and challenge dominant ideologies of identity, culture, and neoliberalism.
Ithaca College
B.S., Television-Radio
New York University
M.A., Media, Culture, and Communication
Selected Publications
Weinstein, C. (forthcoming). The neoliberalization of identity politics in American television production. The Political Economy of Communication.
Weinstein, C. (2024). Living the American dream? Satirizing neoliberal capitalism in Killing It and Severance. Television & New Media. Advance online publication.
Weinstein, C. & Feldman, L. (2024). Comedy for racial justice? The mediating roles of narrative mechanisms and perceived humor types on persuasive outcomes related to racially biased policing. Mass Communication & Society, 27(5), 1277–1301.
Weinstein, C. (2023). Cannabis, media, and the neoliberal marketplace: The problem with just saying yes to color-blind legalization narratives. International Journal of Communication, 17(2023), 4892–4910.
Weinstein, C. (2022). A not so special episode: Laughing at abortion on television. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 39(5), 427–440.