Displaying 2241 - 2250 of 8467
Lemish, D. (June 2016). JOCAM NEXT – A forward looking agenda for Children, Adolescents and Media research. Chair and panel presentation at the International Communication Association Annual conference, Fukuoka Japan.
Lemish, D. (October 2016). What happens next? The 10th anniversary of the Journal of Children and Media. Chair and panel participant at the meeting on Technology and Media in Children’s Development of the Society for Research in Child Development. Irvine, California: University of California Irvine.
Lemish-Barkai, D. (1977). Half a star: Poetry. Tel Aviv: Traklin. (In Hebrew)
Lemish, D. (1989). Please meet television: Introduction to critical viewing. Haifa, Israel: Instructional Center for Youth. (in Hebrew).
Lemish, D. (1992). Advertising as an educational challenge. Topics in Education, 2, 92-96.
Lemish, D. (Ed.) (1992). Communication and education special issue of Topics in Education, 2.
Lemish, D. & Tidhar, C.E. (1999). Mothers close to life: An Israeli case study. TelevIZIon, 12(2), 39-46.
Lemish, D. (2002). The media, the whore and the Madonna. Panim, 22, 84-93. (In Hebrew).
Götz, M., Lemish, D., Aidman, A. & Moon, H. (2003). The role of media in children’s make-believe worlds. TelevIZIon, 16(1), 28-39.
Lemish, D. (2004). Preparing for war: Israeli’s children’s TV in times of war. TelevIZIon, 17(E), 14-17.