Displaying 2661 - 2670 of 8467
Lemish, D. & Tidhar, C. (1991). The silenced majority: Women in Israel's 1988 television election campaign. Women and Language, XIV, 13-21.
Lemish, D. (1997). The school as a wrestling arena: The modeling of a television series. Communication: European Journal of Communication Research, 22(4), 395-418. A Hebrew version published in Dvarim Achadim, 1, 11-132.
Lemish, D. (1997). Kindergartners' understandings of television: A cross cultural comparison. Communication Studies, 48(2), 109-126.
Lemish, D. (1998). What is news? A cross cultural examination of kindergartners’ understanding of News. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, 23, 491-504. Reprinted in: Renckstorf, K., McQuail, D. & Jankowski, N. (eds.), Television news research: Recent European approaches and findings. Communications Monograph 2. Berlin, Germany: Quintessence Publishing.
Lemish, D., Drotner, K. Liebes, T. Maigret, E. & Stald, G. (1998). Global culture in practice: A look at children and adolescents in Denmark, France and Israel. European Journal of Communication, 13, 539-556.
Lemish, D. (1998). “Girls can be wrestlers too”: Gender differences in the consumption of a television wrestling series. Sex Roles, 38(9/10), 833-849.
Lemish, D. & Tidhar, C. (1999). Where have all the young girls gone? Women and Language, XXII (2), 27-32.
Bloch, L.R. & Lemish, D. (1999). Disposable love: The rise and fall of a virtual pet. New Media & Society, 1(3), 283-303.
Hepburn, A. & Potter, J. (2003). Discourse analytic practice. In C. Seale, D. Silverman, J. Gubrium & G. Gobo (Eds). Qualitative research practice (pp. 180-196). London; Sage.