DEI News

The MCM Helped Prepare Roy Woods Jr. MCM'21 for a Leadership Role

Roy Woods Jr. MCM'21 recently accepted a new position as the Director of Communications at Springpoint, one of the Mid-Atlantic's largest nonprofit providers of residential and home-based services and programs for seniors. He credits the Master of Communication and Media program for preparing him to be in a leadership position and providing an excellent platform for developing his communications skills.

Revised Edition of “Day of the Dead in the U.S.A” Explores the Role of the Media and Commercialization in the Celebration’s Growing Popularity

Published just in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first secular celebrations of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in the United States, the new edition documents how the celebration has evolved since it was first observed in the US in the fall of 1972, paying particular attention to how Hollywood films, video games, YouTube and other forms of media have made the celebration even more popular over the past 12 years since the first edition of the book was published.

Analysis of Nurse’s Notes to Provide Insights into Racial Inequality and Patient Outcomes in Brazilian Hospitals

By determining the association between nursing notes and patient deterioration and mortality, SC&I Associate Professor Charles Senteio and his research collaborators ultimately aim to inform clinical decision support systems to alert doctors and nurses to the clinical circumstances and decisions which are at risk of racial/ethnic bias, both in the U.S. and in Brazil.