DEI News

PeduL: Creating Equal Access to High-Impact Jobs

Founded by alumni Kayla Michele ‘17 and Chisa Egbelu ‘16, PeduL “harnesses tailored corporate scholarships to match underrepresented students with the internships and career opportunities that best meet employers’ needs.” PeduL recently received a grant from Google, and they have also recently been invited to join one of most successful accelerators in the country, Techstars.

A “Maddening” and “Magical” Island: How Manhattan Came to Be

In his newest book, “Four Streets and a Square,” Marc Aronson explores 400 years of Manhattan’s history, with a focus on what he has coined “The New York City Idea”: the value of mixture, of people, of ideas, and of cultures found in New York City.”

Meet Ph.D. Student Nikhila Natarajan: “SC&I Diversity is For Real”

Ph.D. student Nikhila Natarajan is a multilingual journalist (and the planet’s first #StudioInASuitcase media “researcher”) and part of the founding team of Observer Research Foundation America. She recently assisted journalist and author Chidanand Rajgjatta with his book “Kamala Harris, Phenomenal Woman.”