School Librarianship Concentration

Brenda Boyer, Ph.D.Joyce ValenzaCoordinators: Joyce Valenza, Ph.D. and Brenda Boyer, Ph.D.

This concentration is designed to meet the New Jersey Department of Education requirements to become certified as a School Library Media Specialist.

Concentration Goals and Objectives

Librarians with this degree function as teachers, program administrators, information specialists and collaborative partners who lead learning in elementary and secondary schools. School librarians create dynamic physical and digital learning environments providing access, equity and experiences for K12 students to think, create, share and grow. Effective school library programs promote cultures of literacy and the thoughtful and creative use of digital resources.

Concentration Requirements

Required Courses

36 credits*: 11 required courses (33 credits), one three-credit elective, plus three zero-credit courses

Zero-credit Courses (required for all students)

11 Required Concentration Courses + One Elective

*In New Jersey, in addition to the courses required for the MI degree, the School Library Media Specialist certification requires students to satisfy an education component and apply for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS). The required nine credits are incorporated into the existing Rutgers School Librarianship program. Successful students in the Concentration will graduate with an MI degree and be eligible to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS).

“The school library program at SC&I is the best in the country! The coursework for the MI program for school librarians is very targeted. I learned both theory and practical applications. The professors are well known in their respective fields and very accessible."

Beth Raff, MI ’19, school media specialist at Mt. Tabor Elementary School, American Library Association (ALA) Emerging Leader